Library » Pokemon Club

Pokemon Club

Pokémon Club Purpose Statement:

Pokémon Club at RSA is overseen by the Club Advisor, Mrs. Jacobsen. Proposed activities of the club include learning to play the Pokémon Trading Card Game, engaging in Pokémon activities and games, watching Pokémon videos, watching footage of competitive games, and socializing with peers that also love Pokémon.

Pokémon Club Contract:

  • Trading of cards will be allowed but any cards traded are swapped fairly and will not be swapped back.
  • Students must be responsible for their own cards- if we find cards going missing Pokémon Club will stop.
  • Cards must only be taken out for club time and not during play, lunch or class time.
Pokémon Club Advisor Contact Info: Bridgette Jacobsen: [email protected]
*flyers available in RSA Library